My yearly inner debate happened again this year. I don’t want a prepackaged costume for Halloween. And I don’t want to spend much money. I want to make it myself for cheap AND be something awesome and unique. I want it to be just me, my imagination, and whatever Goodwill has to offer. Costuming, to me,…
All posts tagged creativity
MacGyver on Mars
If I had to choose another title for this book, I’d suggest “MacGyver on Mars.” This is the story of a regular guy (as much as a regular guy that an astronaut to Mars can be) who accidentally gets left behind on the red planet and is forced to survive using whatever he’s got. He’s…
Celebrating Problem Solving
Have I mentioned that I love MacGyver? It may have come up once or twice. MacGyver is my hero. I love his creativity and quick thinking and ability to problem solve in the face of trial. Here’s my latest MacGyver moment. I ran a five mile race last weekend (and set a personal record of…
Carpet Preparedness
It’s hurricane season and everyone is talking about preparedness. But I’ve been preparing for my own life-altering situation. Last week my house got new carpet… nice, right? Yes and no. It is beautiful, and currently stain-free, but it was back breaking work for weeks before and after. Our installers were particular about what furniture they…
How MacGyver Saved Valentine’s Day
I Love MacGyver. In many ways he’s my inspiration in life. This year he saved Valentine’s Day. Not just because he’s dreamy, with an endless supply of girlfriends, and a waterfall of mullet-y locks. His inspirational ingenuity got me out of a tough bind. I love being creative and making do with whatever I have…
Sneaky Cheeky
He started off fairly harmless. Cheeky, my Elf on a Shelf, was impish, mischievious even, but harmless. We’d find him under planters, in pockets, or hiding in the refrigerator. He was like a long lost friend. We sought him and were excited to find him. It was typically accompanied by merriment and laughter! Cheeky…