
I wait. I fret. I long for blocked goals. I trust. Meanwhile is a beautiful word in literature. it indicates that action is continuing, often without the knowledge of the protagonist. it is not a side adventure, but a concurrent expanding of the plot and story. The side investigation may prove effective to capture the…

Buoyant Hope

The waves of struggle have washed over many of us in 2020. Everyone has struggled, and I too have had my fair share of challenges. Financial challenges, exposure risk, fears at work, broken bones, delayed treatment, pending surgery… oh and that pesky little Covid on top of it all. There have been many moments that…


My long-time readers will know that I chose a word or phrase each year quite carefully. I choose my hopes for the new year and some memorable phrase that guides me when times are tough and gives me a direction to walk along even when I don’t feel I have the strength. Grit and Grace,…

A Pregnant Pause

“All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is…

Home Safety?

Laughter is letting go if even just for a moment and believing in better things. Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of hope. Laughter can be defiant of one’s current circumstances and a confidence that they can change. Laughter can demonstrate that no matter how dark the night is, that the dawn is coming, and joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). I laugh not because all is well right now, but because all will be well.

Wayrad Haven

I finally took the plunge and bought a home! Because what makes *more* sense during a pandemic than adding more stress to one’s life? I’ve been saving for years and doing some research and a number of factors in my life indicated that the time was nigh. It was an incredibly stressful process. No matter…


Like many of you, I feel isolated right now. There’s a deadly virus wreaking havoc on our lives, plans, schedules, jobs, economy, and health. It is unprecedented. It is anxiety inducing. We are afraid. We used to talk about fear in different ways. I’d say that I had FOMO or Fear of Missing Out, that…

A Cautious Courage

Kelly means brave warrior. I was well-named. Bravery has always been a goal for me, but it doesn’t always come easily. I hate failing. Or even feeling like I could fail. I have had to be brave and even war against myself at times when my natural inclination was toward protection instead of adventure. But…