I finally took the plunge and bought a home! Because what makes *more* sense during a pandemic than adding more stress to one’s life?
I’ve been saving for years and doing some research and a number of factors in my life indicated that the time was nigh. It was an incredibly stressful process. No matter how good my advisors were or how much research I did, it wasn’t an easy decision.
If you’ve been through any of my running journeys with me you’ll know that when the training gets difficult, I shift my focus to coordinating a costume to set my mind at ease. In this case, when the details of mortgage and moving became overwhelming, I shifted to think what I would name my new home.
I wanted my new home to have a name that indicated my hopes for this space. I want it to be a place of welcome and rest. I want to celebrate that I made this decision as a single woman instead of waiting for a husband and family to arrive. I am choosing to live fully right where I am and not keep my decisions tentative even while I long for a family. I am determinedly moving forward and paddling my seaworthy vessel in this decision (see link for more explanation about Kayaks and Canoes!). So name such as Kayak Cottage were on the short list. When I asked my family they wanted me to call it The Shire as a nod to the longed-for home in the Lord of the Rings series.
I finally decided on Wayrad Haven. I want this space to be Wayrad: awesome, playful, and full of fun. I love that I haven’t fully grown up and can get along just as well playing with water balloons or Lego bricks as I can preparing a lecture for a graduate class. I love that I have a room dedicated to creativity now! I call it the Dreamatorium and it is filled with costumes, crafts, canvases…. oh yeah, and a guest bed! Wayrad represented the young-hearted, playful, silly, quirky side of me that my home needed to represent.
Haven is a place of rest. I want my home to provide rest for me and others. I want to practice Sabbath here and provide rest for my body and soul within these walls. This is the mature part of me, the old-souled half. I want to be contemplative in my library, to write and journal, and maybe even blog sometimes! I hope for both halves of this name to be equally loved and represented.
Wayrad Haven – you have been prepared for over the months and years leading up to this summer, and I hope you live up to your well-chosen name!

Congratulations Kelly, this is wonderful news, I am very happy for you, can’t wait to see pictures, especially of the Dreamatorium room. 💞