Vacuums and Maturity

Basically, I got a blank check this week. I earned a special gift at work and was rewarded with a certain number of points to spend in an online catalog of prizes. I flipped through the virtual pages and gazed longingly at many fabulous prizes. IPods, luggage, cameras, Keurigs, iPads, and foot massagers ranked high…

Life in the NICU

Somethings on YouTube are just for fun, some are educational, some are ridiculous, and some are life changing. This particular video strikes close to home for me. I work with the littlest of patients. Those who have more wires than they are weeks old. I am surrounded by stories like this everyday. One father made…


My brother is a rock star. I am his groupie. I traveled back home last weekend to watch him compete (and WIN!) a state wide marching competition. I also had the pleasure of hearing Wind Symphony perform a special Veteran’s Day concert. I was so impressed with the entire band. These are high school students,…

Ubiquitous Work

Everywhere I look, work has been done. Every chair set up for a conference. Every clean floor. Every nicely folded shirt. Every customer service question answered. Every meal cooked. Even tasks completed by machine were designed, coded, and constructed by someone. I marvel, thinking, “For everything I see done, someone had to do that.” I…

Sky Mall

I am not an obedient flyer. I walk on the wild side. I don’t look at the safety pamphlet in the seat back in front of me. I go straight for Sky Mall. It is amazing. It is a game for me to find the most outrageous thing possible. I flip carefully looking at every…

Mary Poppins 2.0

I met my costume counterpart this weekend. Mary Poppins 2.0 was delightful and charming and thoroughly in character. My costume was courtesy of GoodWill and not nearly as fancy. I couldn’t do the accent or sing the songs, but I still felt like I had something in common with this Mary, and I was as…