Nothing has the potential to derail my self image more than a four year old constructing my Mii avatar. Am I the only one who has dealt with this? My sweet friend, Valor, wanted to play many Wii games with me during our visit and he would not allow me to start until he had…
All posts tagged Valor
Valor’s Quote of the Day
Picture this: Mom and Kelly in the front seat and Valor and Percy safely strapped in the back; we stop quickly at a yellow light. Valor removes his thumb from his mouth to exclaim, “Mom! I just felt inertia in my body because the car stopped, but my body kept going.” He then replaces his…
Exploring the Everyday
“Oh, Miss Kelly, let’s do more exploring! I love exploring with you!” This guy, Valor, makes my heart happy. We went out to eat in quaint, downtown New Bern and then wandered around the downtown area. He held on tightly to my hand and we walked, and looked, and took the road less traveled. We…
My Main Squeeze
There’s a boy in my life. He’s super sweet, and way cute, and loves me lots… and he’s three years old. My friend’s son, Valor, is amazing. First of all, he’s a genius. He has a vocabulary that rivals kids triple his age. For instance, he can name and identify not just the typical fruits…