I think about a special someone often. I care deeply about her. I want her to do well in life and be set up for success. She’s kind and funny and warm and (hopefully) more wise, stable, and adventurous than me! I’m thinking about Future Kelly. I know that all my decisions affect my future…
All posts tagged success
My Wall of Accomplishment
It used to be that we put coloring pages, aced tests, and report cards on the fridge for posterity. I used to joke that something had to be deemed fridge-worthy to make it to that metallic, silver bastion of accomplishment. Watch out, fridge, I’ve upped the ante. Now my successes will be proudly displayed on my (duh…
Take That, Self!
I did something today that I never thought would happen. I’d thought about it. Dreamed about it. Planned for it. But not until today did I make it happen. I ran a mile in under 10 minutes! Here’s my proof! I’ve never run in my life before six months ago. I walked half of the…