Do you anticipate or dread birthdays? For me, birthdays bring up such mixed emotions. I often feel grateful for another year of life, adventures, and sanctification. But some years bring up feelings of ennui. I ask myself, “What do I have to show for myself this year?” or “Why doesn’t my life feel like I…
All posts tagged Birthday
Feeling Celebrated
Nearly the only negative part of my cruise experience was the 30 hour trek back home. 5 cities, 4 states, three layovers, 2 minute naps and a partridge in a pear tree. That’s what it took me to get home. But, bleary-eyed and not sure what time zone I lived in, I walked into this:…
Half a Celebration
Today is my half birthday. The halfway point between two orbital cycles. The marker of six months of growth. The peak before the roller coaster into another year begins. That deserves some celebration. Or at least recognition! Today, I took at least a moment to think of how different my life was six months ago.…
Space Camp!
I just received a message from space. I got a birthday package from Space Camp courtesy of my friend Tracy. It had nerdy shirts, NASA stickers, and antigravity paraphernalia, along with this little gem. Tracy, and a team of highly trained high school teachers (who moonlight as space cowboys) got to attend adult space…
My Log Flume Ride into Adulthood
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click WHOOOSH! I had a long time to click up this ride slowly, anticipating the plunge that was inevitable. The plummet into adulthood taunted me seemingly just out of reach. I worked, but wasn’t full time. I saved for retirement, but not aggressively. I went to bed when I felt like…
My grandmom is turning 80 years old today. I was asked to choose a few words to best describe my grandmother. I’ve thought about it all week. I’ve dealt with head-pounding, finger-tightening writers block for which there is no pill, no cure. How do you take 80 years (or in her case, “Turning 29 for…