Gospel Humility

I’m still mulling over this short, but jam-packed-with-truth-book, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller Here’s another tantalizing excerpt: I can start to enjoy things that are not about me, my romance is not about me, my dating is not about me. I can actually enjoy things for what they are. They are not just…

Don’t Be a Writer…

A friend of mine sent me this quote today: Don’t be a writer if you can get out of it! It’s a solitary job, sometimes a rather lonely one (who’s listening? you say), and it requires relentless self-discipline. The world is not waiting with baited breath for what you turn out. A writer has to…


“Humility is the soil in which everything good in the Christian life grows.” I’ve been trying to listen to sermons on my way into work. I have a significant drive — really early — and my hope is that getting started in the Word will get me on the right foot! Yesterday, I heard that…

Magic Words

One of my all-time favorite movie quotes comes from Professor Dumbledore, the quizzical and kind, Headmaster in the Harry Potter series. Dumbledore wisely says, “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” I love that! It might be because I love words. I…

Bludgeoning Self Doubt

“Thank you for this lovely blunt object that I will forevermore use as a weapon against self doubt.” Whoa. That’s beautiful. I have a bad habit of always doing two things at once. I typically watch a movie, and make earrings or hair flair. I do laundry while cooking dinner. I am addicted to accomplishment.…


Like I’ve said before, I live my life in movie quotes. There’s nary a day goes by that I am not reminded of a situation and –even more importantly– a beautifully crafted line from one of my favorite flicks. I love the craft of writing and have been known to watch a particularly poignant scene…