I’m still mulling over this short, but jam-packed-with-truth-book, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller
Here’s another tantalizing excerpt:
I can start to enjoy things that are not about me, my romance is not about me, my dating is not about me. I can actually enjoy things for what they are. They are not just for my resume. They are not just to look good on my college or job application. They are not just a way of filling up the emptiness. Wouldn’t you want that? This is off our map. This is gospel-humility, blessed self-forgetfulness. Not thinking more of myself as in modern cultures, or less of myself as in traditional cultures. Simply thinking of myself less. (pg. 36, emphasis mine).
One very intriguing chapter in The Screwtape Letters really opened this up to me.
“By Jove! I’m being humble!”