Sinful Food

I went to the grocery store this morning and was confronted with sin in an unexpected way. No, I didn’t covet someone else’s cart full of goodness. No, I didn’t get irritated with the bag boy. No, I didn’t pocket something extra without paying for it. I bought sinful produce. At least that is how it was…

Easter Saturday

[I’m reposting this. It is one of my favorites!] I love books. Just one visit to my house will confirm that fact. I love re-reading and re-living a beloved novel. I love the pages which have become wrinkled with interest and vigorous page-turning. I love the crease in the spine which allows the book to…


I feel like an iceberg. Not because I’m cold, remote, or danger-prone, but because people only see about 10% of me. Icebergs barely pop their tops above the water-line. They look small, cute, and manageable. But people miss the 90% lying just below the waterline. For me, this is especially true at work. I am…

Magic Shoes

I own magic shoes. They can’t take me home if I click them three times like Dorothy’s. They don’t have braces to straighten out my back, like Forrest’s. They don’t bring Princes searching for me, like Cinderella’s. My shoes are magic because they remind me of the power of small steps all added together. For…

Faster or Further

I am an efficient person. I pride myself on getting things done, checking off tasks and celebrating accomplishments. I like to go fast. I will always volunteer for the projects that can be done solo because then I know my work ethic and speed and am confident that I can complete them by the deadline.…

Accepting Help

I can help edit a book. Work on a project. Paint a house. Clean a road. Or do endless therapy for children in need. But I can’t accept a ride to the airport. I much prefer being the helper than the helpee. I have a pathological need to be independent and do it all myself.…


Life is messy. I try to pretend that it’s not, but that is futile. People are messy. Entropy happens. Chaos surrounds me. I tend to deal with the messiness of life by cleaning and organizing what I can, even if they’re unrelated. You can tell when work is especially hectic, because my bathroom is spotless.…

Ordeals and Adventures

Airports. I have a love hate relationship with them. I enjoy the excited bustle and people watching. And I dislike the delays and feeling of being out of control. Which is where I am now. Delayed. Waiting on a mechanic. Surrounded by griping fellow flyers. Unable to board the plane. I have missed my fair…


Happy New Year! Yes, I realize that it is September. Even though I’ve been out of school for quite some time, the fall still feels like a new beginning to me. My brain still functions on a semester schedule, even though my schedule doesn’t look much different in June versus October. I’ve been trained through years…