Flowers and Concrete

Flowers and Concrete

I do a lot of research in life. I have a decade of graduate school under my belt and it comes naturally to me to research deeply whenever I have a problem to solve or an issue to investigate. I love data. But data also betrays me. I worried about many, many layers of the…

Home Safety?

Home Safety?

Laughter is letting go if even just for a moment and believing in better things. Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of hope. Laughter can be defiant of one’s current circumstances and a confidence that they can change. Laughter can demonstrate that no matter how dark the night is, that the dawn is coming, and joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). I laugh not because all is well right now, but because all will be well.

*Not Pictured

*Not Pictured

What is pictured on my Facebook wall? Or Instagram feed? Or blog? These locations often present the highlight reels of my life. The best and most fun moments. I love my hashtag: #DoctoralStudentPlayTime and I’ve used it liberally! In the midst of a very full season in life, I’ve sought to make room for play…

Full, But Organized

Full, But Organized

Those words are perhaps among the best to describe my life. It is full. Amazingly full. I have taken my well-honed Tetris skills and applied to them to all areas of life. My walls are decorated with a number of words, images, and items that hold incredible nostalgia in my heart. My family often just…

You Are Seen

Mother’s Day is complicated and full of contradictory emotions. There is the joy and celebration of new moms, proud grandparents and generations brought together. Tiny snuggles. Milestones recorded. Love abounding. I celebrate with you. There is the disappointment of strained relationships between parents and children. Poor communication. Regrets and resentment impacting relationships. I forgive with you.…

The Story of Life

How many people would want to read a book that started like this? “Once upon a time there was a princess. She was beautiful and everyone loved her and life always went her way all the time…” Where’s the conflict? Where’s the reason for the story? Where’s the character development? Plus, if this princess had no…

Pile of Beans

Life is tough. Grief is real. Blocked goals abound in life. Though it comes in many forms– broken relationships, missed opportunities, or dashed expectations — we are confronted with a life that is not the way we thought it would be. So what do I do when I am confronted with this feeling? Do I bottle up…