Mother’s Day is complicated and full of contradictory emotions. There is the joy and celebration of new moms, proud grandparents and generations brought together. Tiny snuggles. Milestones recorded. Love abounding. I celebrate with you. There is the disappointment of strained relationships between parents and children. Poor communication. Regrets and resentment impacting relationships. I forgive with you.…
All posts tagged Mothers Day
My Mother’s Day Hangover
The Monday after Mother’s Day, I was emotionally hung over. I love my mom and have a great relationship with her. I was happy to see her, give presents, and celebrate. But at the same time I ached. I want a husband and children. I want to participate in Mother’s Day as a mother,…
Looking for a New Job?
See how you feel about this career path… As a well-cared for associate, I applaud my loving and sacrificial Director of Operations, today and every day.
Mother’s Day Woes
How was your Mother’s Day? I realized yesterday how complicated a question that truly is. We have such expectations for holidays, but we don’t live in Norman Rockwell’s paintings. Our relationships are broken, full of longing and blocked goals. How was your Mother’s Day? Do you have a good relationship with your mother? Did you…
My Mother’s Day Ode
If you combined Mother Goose with Mary Poppins and threw in a dash of June Cleaver and a smidgen of Lucille Ball, you’d have the perfect recipe for my mother! Let me explain the recipe to you: I love that my mom is warm, thoughtful, resourceful, and makes everyone feel comfortable – like Mother Goose.…