My Marathon

Now that I can walk again, I am ready to talk about my marathon experience. I did it! I ran (and walked) 26.2 miles. A year ago I made a “Bucket List” of things I wanted to do in life. Running a marathon was one of them! Running has been a very powerful spiritual analogy…

Cheeky Returns!

I have my own elf on the shelf tradition. Set up the most ridiculous scenarios ever to entertain your roommates. I got to introduce my new roomies to this small joy of Christmas… and they totally took to it! Cheeky, the apt name of my elf on a shelf, continues his yearly antics this year,…

Semester One Recap

I have one semester of my doctorate under my belt. Holy frijoles. What a semester! I now know anything anyone could care to know about Florida House Bill 943 and can articulate a growth theory which likens our lives to a river blocked with rocks and aided by driftwood. I am a more knowledgable clinician now. But…

Finish Lines

This past weekend I ran 19.3 miles. No, I was not chased. Yes, I paid for this endeavor. Yes, my legs are angry with my life choices. I “competed” in the Wine and Dine Lumiere’s Two Course Challenge (say that three times fast!) The two course challenge included a 10K (6.2 miles) on Saturday and…

Doctoral Woes, Week One

I’m one week into my doctoral career. Whew. What a week. It seems like at least a month has passed since I started classes. One week down. One hundred fifty to go. I’ve read chapters of books. Learned more about public policy than I ever thought I’d know. I’ve already been through all the emotions. Syllabus shock? Check.…

Ocean Object Lessons

Life. It is a crazy, wild ride at times. I feel as though I am just starting adventures on multiple fronts and have had moments of panic lately feeling unready for the road ahead. But I’m sure I’m alone in this feeling. No one else feels unready, unsure, unorganized, or undone by life’s little adventures.…

Running Season

Hundreds of miles. Dozens of loads of laundry. Hours of stretching and recovery. For me, running season ended two weeks ago. Hurrah! I finished this year in a galaxy far, far away with the Star Wars Half Marathon. After running the Light Side half marathon in Disneyland, I could not consider my season  complete without running with the…

Sinful Food

I went to the grocery store this morning and was confronted with sin in an unexpected way. No, I didn’t covet someone else’s cart full of goodness. No, I didn’t get irritated with the bag boy. No, I didn’t pocket something extra without paying for it. I bought sinful produce. At least that is how it was…

Easter Saturday

[I’m reposting this. It is one of my favorites!] I love books. Just one visit to my house will confirm that fact. I love re-reading and re-living a beloved novel. I love the pages which have become wrinkled with interest and vigorous page-turning. I love the crease in the spine which allows the book to…