What’s New? Christmas Update, Part II

“Hey Kelly, what’s new?”
I hate this question. Don’t ask me this question. If you do, you’ll see a vein pop out of my forehead betraying my true feelings. I hate it because, in some ways, nothing in my life is new. I work at the same job, live in the same house, go to the same church. I haven’t gotten married. I haven’t popped out any kids. I don’t have bullet points. Or at least, I don’t feel like I have bullet points that people are looking for when they ask me this question.

But in another way, I am a very different person than I was a year ago. I have another year of learning about the Lord and learning about myself. And big stuff has happened to me this year. So, here are my 2012 bullet points!

I joined Weight Watchers late in 2011 and have done very well. I was tired of feeling like I couldn’t keep up and tired of feeling tired all the time. After fifteen months of hard work, I have lost sixty pounds! It takes constant focus to choose wisely and, as my wise friend says, “value my future self more than I value my current self.” I have enjoyed seeing a new side of me emerge, feeling more energetic, and treating myself to some new skinny clothes!

On November 10th I did something I swore I’d never do. I paid to run. Over the summer I felt like I had reached a plateau both with weight loss and exercise. I did a good amount of activity, but it wasn’t super challenging any more. My friend, Tracy, talked me into running. She loved it so much and encouraged me to try something new. She was able to fly down and run with me during my first ever 5K. The race was at Disney, full of fanfare… and FULL of people. I was very proud of myself for running the entire 3.1 mile distance with my best time ever! I wore the medal proudly for the rest of the day.



Work-wise, things are good! I’m still an Occupational Therapist at Florida Hospital. I started a clinical excellence program to be neuro certified. As a part of this, I was required to give an educational lecture. My topic was based on a paper I wrote in seminary called “Disability and the Gospel.” I discussed the fact that people are made in the image of God and are inherently valuable. It went very well! I’ve been asked to give the same lecture three subsequent times. I have loved melding my two Master’s degrees together in this way. Exciting stuff!

Also, I started a blog!!! I feel healthiest when writing and processing life. I really do think on paper, so…. that’s the name of my website! Visit www.IThinkOnPaper.com to read more of my inner thoughts. (Hey! Good job! You found it!!) It is a long-time desire of mine to be published. In fact, my Dad and I made a bet fifteen years ago to see who could get published first! Hopefully this website will provide a portfolio to show publishers and help me practice my craft. Happy Reading 🙂

One more bullet point! I’ve been thinking a lot about home. Not my house per se, but the idea of home. I always thought I’d be making decision with a spouse, but God’s plan has been different.  What does it look like for me to put down roots, design a space, make a home? What does it look like for my life to be hospitable and welcoming? What does it look like to grow up and be an adult, single? I read this posted on a friend’s Facebook page today and it made me smile! “Home is a place that we create and re-create in every moment, at every stage of our lives, a place where the plain and common becomes cherished and the ordinary becomes sacred.”  (Katrina Kenison, The Gift of the Ordinary Day)

So, in summary, “What’s New?” SO MUCH! Thanks for being a part of my story and journeying through this unexpected, but delightfully challenging life with me!

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