I’ve decided that I’m crazy.
Maybe I stepped over the line whilst doing a jig in my kitchen waiting for the microwave to ding. Or maybe it was when I burst into laughter in the middle of a quiet room because I remembered something hilarious from the day before. Or maybe it was the practical joke that I planned for months and managed to keep secret. (See photo for evidence!)
But sometimes, my crazy isn’t fun or lighthearted. Like the time I tried to have a conversation, but it consisted of mostly harrumphs and sighs because I was too frustrated and distracted to actually find words. My crazy is sometimes insidious. It’s the internal voice that harangues me whispering half-truths that I can be more.
So I’m declaring it. I’m crazy.
Maybe you can relate.
One of my professors in seminary said, “If stress doesn’t get out frontwards, it gets out sideways.” I know this first hand. Sometimes I feel resilient to disappointments in life. I can handle traffic or missed appointments or hard conversations. But sometimes I react more strongly than is warranted for the situation. That’s when I feel the most crazy.
But I’ve also come up with a treatment plan.
That’s how I let my crazy get out. In controlled little bursts so as not to overwhelm anyone!
I process life best by writing and thinking through what happened, how I reacted, what could be different. Hence this blog. Because the title is true, I really do think on paper! This blog will contain stories, anecdotes, and general life processing. It will be real thoughts on virtual paper!
Thanks for being a part of my crazy.