Kenny* and I have been venturing out little by little. We have to plan ahead, pack a bag of supplies, and ensure we have time to mosey instead of sprint. But we’re doing it. Together.
Kenny is hesitant, cautious, persnickety, and demanding.
I am adventurous, playful, and courageous.
We’re working on our relationship.
It has been a challenge for me not to absorb Kenny’s persona. His constant squawking is tiresome and sometimes I just give in. His caution overwhelms my courage. His hesitancy silences my adventurousness. His persnickety-ness overshadows my playfulness.
There have been times that I’ve confused the two of us. And I began to let go of adjectives that are very meaningful to me. I enjoy my adventurous spirit. I went to Australia and climbed to the top of the Harbor bridge without a buddy. I have a costume box, (nay, dresser!) full of playful pieces and whimsy. I am courageous to share honestly and love well even when it’s hard. Kenny hasn’t stolen these things from me, he’s just shouted a lot louder lately.
But he can’t stop the comeback tour. He may delay the milestones. He may need encouragement to let go a little bit. But he’s learning, slowly, but surely, how to have fun.
Get on board, Kenny, The Comeback Tour is in progress.
*Kenny is the name I’ve given to my bionic, surgically repaired left foot.
Love your humor and resilience!! You are RAD!
love you.