I’m sick. I just have a cold. Typical symptoms: cough, stuffiness, watery eyes, fatigue. But I’m ticked about it! I don’t have time to be sick! I have stuff to do. I have things to catch up on after speaking at a women’s retreat about Sabbath Rest! I have a half marathon this upcoming weekend!…
All posts tagged Trust
That is how it should be.
This paragraph slayed me. It spoke to my heart. It was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s an excerpt from a book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, a collection of devotions for each day of the year written as through God were talking to you (hence the high number of capital letters!) Read…
Psalm 4
I’ve been camped out in the Psalms lately. Feeling the emotions. Soaking in the goodness. Quenching my soul. In the midst of life’s trials, the Psalms are my salve. They remind me that someone else understands. That someone has been through uncertainty, discomfort, and grief. Here’s what I’ve been thinking about today: “In peace I…