Finish Line Magic

Finish Line Magic

Kenny participated in his first in-person RunDisney race yesterday! I dipped by toe back into racing with some very different parameters and participated in a 5K with Kenny, my bionic foot. I am thankful. Thankful that I can move and walk with minimal pain. Thankful that I could investigate if there was still magic at…

The Dopey… Sort Of

The Dopey… Sort Of

I’m doing a marathon. And a half marathon. And a 10 K and a 5 K. But I promise, I’m not crazy. I have chosen to register for the Virtual Dopey Challenge through RunDisney this year to celebrate how far I’ve come. I had surgery almost two years ago to recreate a left foot that…

The Running Decade

I ran my first ever 5K TEN YEARS AGO TODAY. Ten. Years. Ago. Ten years of entry fees and finish lines and medals and training miles and ever evolving chafing solutions. Ten years of strength and perseverance and runner’s highs and tearful miles. Well, eight years of that. I haven’t been able to run for…



Sometimes life is trash. Grief, loss, pain, disappointment and blocked goals abound throughout our time on earth. We’ve all dealt with some level of them and all will deal with more before our time here is done. If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you’ve journeyed through my valley alongside me.…

Finish Lines

This past weekend I ran 19.3 miles. No, I was not chased. Yes, I paid for this endeavor. Yes, my legs are angry with my life choices. I “competed” in the Wine and Dine Lumiere’s Two Course Challenge (say that three times fast!) The two course challenge included a 10K (6.2 miles) on Saturday and…

Running Season

Hundreds of miles. Dozens of loads of laundry. Hours of stretching and recovery. For me, running season ended two weeks ago. Hurrah! I finished this year in a galaxy far, far away with the Star Wars Half Marathon. After running the Light Side half marathon in Disneyland, I could not consider my season  complete without running with the…

My Princess Three-Peat

I became a princess for the third time last weekend by running the Disney Princess Half Marathon! But I don’t run because I love running. I run because I learn life lessons.   During my months of training, whenever I got overwhelmed with the miles I had to run, I thought about my costume. This…

Magic Shoes

I own magic shoes. They can’t take me home if I click them three times like Dorothy’s. They don’t have braces to straighten out my back, like Forrest’s. They don’t bring Princes searching for me, like Cinderella’s. My shoes are magic because they remind me of the power of small steps all added together. For…

Rebel Challenge

Flying across the country. Waking up at 3 am (many times…) Running 19.3 miles. Worth it! I participated in the Star Wars Half Marathon Rebel Challenge two weeks ago and scored some major victory points and bling by doing two races in back to back days. I got to spend some time with delightful people,…