It is no secret that I love the Olympics. I love them so much, I’m using a week of PTO to watch as much as possible. I woke up at 5:40 am to see events live so that nothing was spoiled. I watch the sports with as much vigor as some play them. This is…
All posts tagged olympics
One Year Later
One year ago today, my life changed because of one step. Or actually, one missed step. One year ago today I moved into my new home, fell on the stairs, broke my foot, and have been in a waiting game or recovery state ever since. Fracture boots, x rays, doctor visits, MRIs, surgery, non-weight bearing,…
Olympic Perseverance
Human interest stories outrank medal counts. At least in my mind. I want to know the back story. The How and the Why of the athletes much more than I want to know the What. In my mind, the color of the medal pales in comparison to the sacrifices, tears, successes and years of training…
The Olympics
I love the Olympics. It’s the ultimate human interest story. I watch as much as I can. It is an odd juxtaposition that the arrival of the Olympics typically finds me on the couch eating Nutella out of the bottle watching feats of athletic prowess — and slowly growing further away from being able to…