You have a few resources always at your disposal. These items are frustratingly limited: time, energy, and money. At most, you can have two of these resources at a time. Sometimes you have just one, but very rarely do all three show up concurrently! When you are young and fresh you have scads of energy…
All posts tagged Money
Goodwill Hunting
I love treasure hunts! Every Christmas Eve my family creates searches for each other so that we have to earn our first present of the season. On my 24th birthday several friends made a scavenger hunt for me and I still laugh about the crazy things I had to do and find. I like the…
Support Group for Support Raising
Shortly your mailbox will be filled with letters from willing and eager missionaries radically going somewhere for the cause of Christ. Summer projects, week-long adventures, state side and international endeavors all seem to coalesce in the summer time, and that can only mean one thing – Support Raising! This blog post is meant to give…
Poverty and Riches
Who are these Joneses and why are we trying to keep up with them? Are they happy? Are they fulfilled? Are they an illusion in our own minds? What benefit to we gain from comparison? I ask these questions to myself as well. Who am I seeking to emulate and, more importantly, why? What do I…
Money, Money, Money
Money. Dollars. Savings. Retirement. Spending. Investments. They’ve been on my mind a lot lately. Tonight is the last session of my financial class. Over the past several months, I’ve been challenged about my views on money and have learned how to be a better steward through this class. I’ve had budgeting homework every week. I’ve…
What Kind of Music Do You Listen to?
Don’t you hate that question? Me too. It’s like saying, “What have you ever eaten?” Or “What colors have you seen today?” It’s too broad, too overwhelming, too diverse to narrow down. I can’t give you a list of everything on my iPod, but I can tell you about the most meaningful music in my…