Just for Laughs

I had no idea this was a trend! Sometimes I feel wide-eyed like this in life. Glad to know I have some traveling companions in the tunnel of life. Take heart, there is light at the end of every tunnel. I hope it makes you smile as well!

Up From the Bed She Returns!

(Sung to the tune of “Up From the Grave He Arose”) Up from the bed she returns! With a mighty triumph o’er her germs! She returns a victor o’er post nasal drip, And she vows her health to never again slip! She returns! She returns! Hallelujiah, Kelly (is-no-longer-sick-and-feels-like-a-normal-person-again-thanks-to-soup-honey-and-Disney-movies) Returns!   Thanks for all those who…

Sole Mates

I’m missing a sock. Half of my favorite pair of running socks. I love them because they’re different. Bright green. Snazzy – with a little extra flair. And Functional – so they don’t slip down my heel mid-run. But one has been missing for weeks. She ran away after her last time in the laundry.…

Pens … for her?

I came across this little gem in my Internet wanderings today. Bic pens specifically designed and marketed to women. Click here to see them! Their slender, bedazzled sheen is supposed to appeal to the femininity hiding within us — so the marketers claim. It seem though that the public has only sarcastically bought into such…