Hospitals don’t get holidays. Sickness doesn’t take a break, so hospitals have to keep working to promote wellness and health — no matter what date the calendar says. I was thankful to have the weekend before Thanksgiving off this year to celebrate with my family. We’ve come to expect this “modified Thanksgiving” since I often…
All posts tagged Holiday
You Are Seen
Mother’s Day is complicated and full of contradictory emotions. There is the joy and celebration of new moms, proud grandparents and generations brought together. Tiny snuggles. Milestones recorded. Love abounding. I celebrate with you. There is the disappointment of strained relationships between parents and children. Poor communication. Regrets and resentment impacting relationships. I forgive with you.…
Delaying Christmas
I try to delay Christmas as long as possible. Or at least until December. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love the decorations and gift giving. In fact, I joke that in Florida we have two seasons: Summer and Christmas. Because our weather is often unhelpful, I need these external markers to…
I am a Scrooge. A Grinch. A Holiday Humbug. I never understood when people would talk about the stress of Christmas as a youngster. To me, Christmas was a magical time of joy and excitement and sleepless anticipation. Of course, as a kid all I had to do was sign my name to the family…
O Holy Night
I introduced my parents to this little ditty last year. We watched it at least a dozen times. Laughed hilariously. Imitated. Parroted and charaded as this singer. Everything was fine until our church sang O Holy Night last Christmas eve. We dissolved in a puddle of hysterics and shaking and were absolutely rendered useless singers.…