Three is a magic number. School House Rock taught me that. Dr. John Frame taught me that. But more importantly, the Bible taught me that! It seems that important things often come in threes. Not as a ranking of 1, 2, and 3, but as a union of three different, yet equally important things. The…
All posts tagged Church
Indiana Jones and the Mamertine Prison
No, this is not an anticipated fifth Indiana Jones movie. It’s just what I thought about when I was in Rome. (I promise the analogy will make sense in the end!) I traveled to Salerno on a mission trip and we worked hard for a week helping a church plant get set up in their new…
Salerno Team 2015
I made six great friends. Being knee-deep in black mold has a way of bonding people! We are the Salerno Team! We traveled to help the Valiquettes and the Davidsons in Salerno, Italy. We painted, we cleaned, we constructed a stage, we disinfected, we ran cables, we swept, we sealed, we organized, we vacuumed and…
Support Group for Support Raising
Shortly your mailbox will be filled with letters from willing and eager missionaries radically going somewhere for the cause of Christ. Summer projects, week-long adventures, state side and international endeavors all seem to coalesce in the summer time, and that can only mean one thing – Support Raising! This blog post is meant to give…
Seeking Rest for my Soul
I hear voices. Well, one in particular. It whispers to me that it is unsatisfied with my work, my efforts, my productivity, and my choices. It tells me lies. It tells me that I have to do more and be more. That I have to earn rest and that work is always more important than…
Lonely Sundays
I have attacks of loneliness. They almost always happen on Sundays. I am not sure why. I love and am loved by my church body. I can sit with many different friends and families. It looks as if I’m included. But I often have this fear when entering the worship center. My eyes dart wildly,…