I am surrounded by children. I joke that I have 81 babies, but they stay at the hospital so I sleep through the night. And I’ve noticed that babies and children have an uncanny ability to change moods quickly. They can cry and smile within a few seconds. They can fight and be angry, throw…
All posts tagged children
Life is messy. I try to pretend that it’s not, but that is futile. People are messy. Entropy happens. Chaos surrounds me. I tend to deal with the messiness of life by cleaning and organizing what I can, even if they’re unrelated. You can tell when work is especially hectic, because my bathroom is spotless.…
My Mother’s Day Hangover
The Monday after Mother’s Day, I was emotionally hung over. I love my mom and have a great relationship with her. I was happy to see her, give presents, and celebrate. But at the same time I ached. I want a husband and children. I want to participate in Mother’s Day as a mother,…
One Month In…
I’m certain that my brain is more wrinkled than it was a month ago. Today I celebrate my One-Month-a-Versary at my new job. I worked in Neuro rehabilitation for six years. I had a rhythm, a routine. In short, I was a rock-u-pational therapist. But now with the kids, and especially with the babies, everything…