Life is messy. I try to pretend that it’s not, but that is futile. People are messy. Entropy happens. Chaos surrounds me. I tend to deal with the messiness of life by cleaning and organizing what I can, even if they’re unrelated. You can tell when work is especially hectic, because my bathroom is spotless.…
All posts tagged childhood
Happy New Year! Yes, I realize that it is September. Even though I’ve been out of school for quite some time, the fall still feels like a new beginning to me. My brain still functions on a semester schedule, even though my schedule doesn’t look much different in June versus October. I’ve been trained through years…
New Fluffy Town
“I’ve decided that adulthood is overrated. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my blanket fort eating Bugles from my fingertips and watching a movie.” This was a meme that was passed around through cyberspace not so long ago. But we made it come true! Last weekend, one of my roommates felt the need to…
Celebrating Selfies
This is the year of the selfie for me. I usually roll my eyes when I see a cluster of people posing awkwardly, cell phone outstretched to take their own picture. But this year I’ve whole-heartedly embraced it. Let me amend that, I’ve embraced it — sans “duck face.” I’ve been challenged by some friends…
That was the text I just sent. To my 34 year old roommate. Every year in my town, Santa cruises through neighborhoods mounted atop a bedazzled firetruck. He waves at children who stream out of their houses, shouts “Ho! Ho! Ho!” and throws candy. It’s quite the scene. Here was my experience. I texted my…
My Green Dream
Last night I dreamed that I bought deodorant made out of used crayons. It was the rainbow packaging that got my attention. I remember walking through the grocery store aimlessly and finding myself on the health aisle. Then I noticed it. The rainbow packaging. So glittery, so sparkly. I wondered what this diamond in the…