National Doughnut Day

Want a free, sweet, melt in your mouth, ring of tasty goodness? Me too. Yesterday was National Doughnut Day. I made sure to celebrate. The first Friday in June is National Doughnut Day. This 76-year old tradition was first launched by the Salvation Army to honor World War I volunteers as troops returned home. But…

Gifts of Grace

Number of bag, boxes and containers full of flair for craft fair on Saturday: two dozen. Number of items still wishing to make: hundreds! (but realistically 10) Number of trips to Hobby Lobby: 4 (this week alone!) I’m busy preparing for my craft fair, Gifts of Grace, this Saturday! I love creating things. I get…

Celebrate More

Adulthood doesn’t always lend itself to celebrating small accomplishments. Childhood, on the other hand, DOES! I used to celebrate, and be celebrated for, learning to write a new letter, sing a new song, perform show and tell, and perhaps the pinnacle of celebrating that occurs in childhood, but not in adulthood… using the potty! Could…