I am here today to share with you the wild world of online dating. If you haven’t had the opportunity to engage in such an adventure, I highly recommend it. It is a special form of torture in this technologically savvy world. If you are familiar with the online dating world, I commiserate with you.…
All posts tagged author
The Story of Life
How many people would want to read a book that started like this? “Once upon a time there was a princess. She was beautiful and everyone loved her and life always went her way all the time…” Where’s the conflict? Where’s the reason for the story? Where’s the character development? Plus, if this princess had no…
Ordeals and Adventures
Airports. I have a love hate relationship with them. I enjoy the excited bustle and people watching. And I dislike the delays and feeling of being out of control. Which is where I am now. Delayed. Waiting on a mechanic. Surrounded by griping fellow flyers. Unable to board the plane. I have missed my fair…
Why I Write
This is all out stolen. Not plagiarized. Just stolen. But at least it’s referenced. I’m giving credit to Leigh McLeroy, one of my all-time favorite authors. I got this email from her recently and I loved every word. It describes why I write– because I must. Why I Write From my first Big…