How many people would want to read a book that started like this? “Once upon a time there was a princess. She was beautiful and everyone loved her and life always went her way all the time…” Where’s the conflict? Where’s the reason for the story? Where’s the character development? Plus, if this princess had no…
All posts tagged action
Action and Non-Action
Because time is a finite resource, every action involves an infinite amount of non-actions. Every choice I make. What book to read, what movie to watch, what food to eat, what topic to write about, necessarily involves not reading other books, watching other movies, eating other foods or writing about other topics concurrently. I can only…
How To Talk About Books You Haven’t Read
Every action involves an infinite amount of non-actions. That’s deep. I learned that while reading, somewhat distractedly on a plane and had to turn back and re-read it. A professor wrote a delightful book entitled How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read. In it he began by bemoaning his lot in life as…