My life isn’t what I’d expected. If you’d asked me a decade ago where I’d live or work, you’d have gotten a different answer. But I am thankful. I am thankful for the darkest of times. Though 2006 was a difficult year, it was perhaps the most formative series of months for me personally. It…
All posts tagged 2006
The Story of Me, Part IV
It wasn’t a literal journey. It was a journey of the heart. A journey to deal with the death of the future I thought I wanted. It should have been a joyful and bright time in my life. I was just graduating from college, but life wasn’t panning out how I’d expected — at all.…
The Story of Me, Part III
The dark, mournful, mostly unknown story of me, continued. Keep reading. It gets happier! I found people who would sit and listen. People who could discern when they needed to speak and offer wisdom or verses or song lyrics, and when they just needed to hug me and offer tissues. I am so thankful for…
The Story of Me, Part II
2006. Not the best year of my life. I was dealing with multiple losses. Broken relationships. Broken expectations. Broken dreams. I was drowning in sorrow. And it seemed like no one knew it. I tried to let it out bits at a time and, more often than not, people would pat me on the back,…
The Story of Me, Part I
A few months ago I was given a difficult assignment. “Make a collage that represents your life and important relationships in your life.” Armed with glue sticks, scissors, and oodles of magazines I was challenged to create a scene of me. Others at the retreat went to work immediately seemingly knowing exactly what they were…