I have little experience with personal ads.
I don’t troll the newspaper or the internet for a date. I tend to go about my life and work and ministry and just expect someone to suddenly show up.
But maybe that’s wrong. Maybe I need to make my wishes for a mate known more widely. I was listening to the sermon at church yesterday and heard of the fame of Priscilla and Aquila, a couple who labored tirelessly in the early church. Aquila was a tent maker and worked alongside Paul the Apostle. They hosted a church in their house in the fledgling phase of the church. They were thanked repeatedly at the end of epistles. They even sought out an evangelist, Apollos, to correct him and give him a fuller understanding of the Gospel.
They worked hard. They were a team. In short, they rocked.
After studying more about this dynamic duo, I’ve been rethinking the personal ad idea. So here goes:
One single female, we’ll call her Priscilla, who enjoys at caregiving, teaching, study, writing, laughter, and the obligatory long walks on the beach, seeks male for the following line of work:
I want a partner in mission and ministry. I want someone to keep me focused on what is truly important. I want someone who works hard as a tentmaker and a disciple-maker. I want someone who can exhort and correct me in love and show me the bigger Gospel that I sometimes miss. I want someone who is hospitable and will host others joyfully sharing his home and his life with them. I want someone who will recognize and encourage my gifts as well. I want someone who is adventurous for the right cause.
I want a vision caster.
I want a servant leader.
I want a team.
I am Priscilla. I’m seeking Aquila.
(applicants welcome).
References of Priscilla and Aquila: Acts 18:1-3, Acts 18:18, Acts 18:26, Romans 16:3-4, I Corinthians 16:19, II Timothy 4:19.