Last night I dreamed that I bought deodorant made out of used crayons.
It was the rainbow packaging that got my attention.
I remember walking through the grocery store aimlessly and finding myself on the health aisle. Then I noticed it. The rainbow packaging. So glittery, so sparkly. I wondered what this diamond in the rough could be.
It was crayons repurposed as deodorant.
I stopped my meandering and studied this new find. It contained every color of the rainbow swirled and glitteriezed. It sat quietly on the shelf, sanguine and self-confident next to the Degree. I picked it up, uncapped it, and breathed in slowly. I smelled that waxy new crayon box smell. I was instantly reminded of arranging my 64 count Crayolas into rainbow order. And explaining, in detail, the significant differences between green-blue and blue-green to my parents.
Now that I am awake, I wonder what this could mean. Other than the applaudable fact that my subconscious is apparently extremely environmentally conscious, what does this say about me?
Am I longing for a connection to my childhood? Am I longing for creativity and newness? Am I just really attracted to glittery things?
I’m not sure. But it was a fun dream that I’m thankful to remember and will continue to ponder.
What do you think?