My feet look like giant prunes.
Worn and wrinkled from two hoursĀ of rain and miles of movement, my aching feet are my trophies of victory.
9.3 miles… check!
This race benefitted a local neonatal unit, something near and dear to my heart. Plus we got bibs, baby food, and toys at the finish line!
I signed up for this race without a ton of training. It is just the beginning of running season after all, so I haven’t trained further than three miles yet. I registered for this race for psychological reasons. If I run this race well, I can look back in the spring, when I have two half marathons (and more!) and think, “Hey, I ran 9.3 miles without sufficient training! I’m golden!”
In life, you don’t always get proper training time. Sometimes you’re thrown into a new situation without time to collect yourself or think ahead. Life is full of insufficient training. Rarely do we feel fully prepared for something new! What do you do in this midst of those situations? Do you run the next mile? Do you glance at the friend running next to you for support? Do you encourage the flagging runner? Do you do think about how far you’ve come instead of how far you have to go?
I’d only run 3 miles before last Saturday! Though I felt woefully underprepared, I ran three times as far as I had previously. You are capable of incredible feats. And maybe you’ll have prune feet trophies to show it too!
Think back to times when you succeeded though insufficiently trained and let that be an encouragement to you today!