I love treasure hunts!
Every Christmas Eve my family creates searches for each other so that we have to earn our first present of the season. On my 24th birthday several friends made a scavenger hunt for me and I still laugh about the crazy things I had to do and find. I like the search better than the present in many cases.
That’s why I go to Goodwill.
Goodwill Hunting (see what I did there?!?) is just a big scavenger hunt. I pride myself on being able to make costumes for under $5 with the help of felt, hot glue, and Goodwill. And this is the best fodder for white elephant gifts around! I knew the joy of these excursions long before Macklemore popularized the idea.

I was Goodwill Hunting recently and met a kindred spirit in this regard. She had a shopping cart full of items: linens, bedding, an odd piece of furniture. I commented on her finds and she said, “Yes, I love me some G-dubs. My friends comment on my style a lot and that’s what I tell them. Go to G-dubs.”
She was hilarious. She got the treasure hunt mentality. That day she had a cart full of booty and she was ready to celebrate.
Goodwill Hunting: what will you find?