This is genius.
A talented singer performs songs in the style of other singers. She’s good. Spot on. And it’s a joy to watch and listen to.
I’m totally impressed how she can change pitch, stance, gestures, facial expressions and trills to mimic famous people.
But my favorite is when she sings as herself. She’s freer, crisper, fluid. That’s when she really shows her talent.
We mimic and impersonate other people often wanting the world to think of us as more put together, perfect, talented, or accomplished than we feel we are. Technology and social media have heightened the strain to “brand” ourselves and manage our “images.” How much more powerful is it when we use our own voices even if they are frail, cracked, pitchy, and authentic.
Have fun imitating famous people, playing with tone and making others laugh– but when you truly have something to say, use your own voice.