My Prince is on a Turtle

I am here today to share with you the wild world of online dating. If you haven’t had the opportunity to engage in such an adventure, I highly recommend it. It is a special form of torture in this technologically savvy world. If you are familiar with the online dating world, I commiserate with you.…

The “Gift” of Singleness

Singleness: The dreaded gift. People joke all the time, “If singleness is a gift, what’s the return policy?” I’ve thought about this for fifteen years. One summer I read the entire single living section of the Christian bookstore where I worked. I’ve heard authors for years tell me that singleness could be a blessing. But…

Canoes and Kayaks

During one particularly lonely and tear-filled night, my comfort came from an unexpected phrase which kept popping up in my mind. “Everybody suffers.” You might be wondering how that is at all comforting. But, to me, it means that life is full of suffering and struggle this side of Heaven. Everyone suffers. Single or married.…

The Benefits of Singleness

At times, I am lonely. I see sweet, everyday interactions between spouses and I long to experience such tenderness myself. Sometimes, my longing feels overwhelming. But most of the time I think my life is pretty awesome. I have a few dear friends who help remind me of the benefits of singleness and childlessness during those…

Do You Dread Weddings?

It’s a Saturday. People everywhere are being joined in holy matrimony. Pinterest boards aside, do you dread weddings? Do they tend to remind you more of what you lack than you are able to celebrate with the new couple? I fall into this category. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a…

The Alaskan Allure

“I think he’d make a great spouse for someone… I just dont’ know who.” “Why do the awkward ones always have the most confidence?” “Where do you go to meet single boys? Where are they hiding?” These are all conversations I’ve had over the past week. I have a number of single girlfriends (we need…

What is Love?

Some good friends of mine are celebrating their one week anniversary today. Weddings, vows, commitments. They’ve got me thinking. The goofy-in-love-we-can-do-no-wrong-our-love-is-pure feelings will fade. They have to. Though I am not married, I can imagine that there has to be a moment when you’re brushing your teeth and your spouse is (noisily) sitting on the…

Space Available…

Ah, Valentine’s Day, my old friend, you are here again. I don’t know why it bothers me, but it always does. This day reminds me that I am single. It doesn’t highlight the beautiful, free, unencumbered parts about singleness, instead it highlights the negatives. At least in my head it does. If you know me,…