

What happens when you fly across the world? What happens when you change 2 seasons and 14 time zones in one trip? How does such an experience change you? I’ve heard it said that, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” I can think of a few other examples of things…

Gumption & Graduations

Gumption & Graduations

Sometimes walking across a stage takes great gumption. Not because the act of ambulation is challenging (though wearing layers and layers of velvet is a bit inhibiting). The challenge comes in the difficulty of expecting one jaunt across a stage to summarize years of work. We whittle down an entire degree to ten seconds of…

A Comedy of Errors

A Comedy of Errors

William Shakespeare penned the story of my life long ago. It is called “A Comedy of Errors” and although I don’t have a twin, a shipwreck, or a neck ruffle, this play’s title perfectly describes my experience! My life is a series of challenges, or unfortunate events, or obstacles to climb over, or disconnected items…

Paging Dr. Kelly

Paging Dr. Kelly

I’m finished. And without sounding blasphemous, it is finished! My doctoral project was revised (ad nauseum), finally accepted, is now awaiting publication! I am now Dr. Kelly! I wish I could tell you that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Or that I felt totally competent and ready to take on the world.…

*Not Pictured

*Not Pictured

What is pictured on my Facebook wall? Or Instagram feed? Or blog? These locations often present the highlight reels of my life. The best and most fun moments. I love my hashtag: #DoctoralStudentPlayTime and I’ve used it liberally! In the midst of a very full season in life, I’ve sought to make room for play…

Full, But Organized

Full, But Organized

Those words are perhaps among the best to describe my life. It is full. Amazingly full. I have taken my well-honed Tetris skills and applied to them to all areas of life. My walls are decorated with a number of words, images, and items that hold incredible nostalgia in my heart. My family often just…

Hurricane Season 2018

My apologies for being MIA on the blog. I was busy surviving a five month long cyclone. I survived hurricane season 2018! Both the literal hurricane season and the figurative one that defined my life last fall. Between August and December 2018 I worked full time, pursued a doctorate degree, completed residency hours, studied for…

High School Reunions

I was reminded of how much I’ve aged this week. I attended a Justin Timberlake concert with my high school buddies. This group of girls were gaga for *Nsync back in the day. We each had a favorite guy in the group and knew all the songs and statistics about our singing beaus. Our high…