Gumption & Graduations

Gumption & Graduations

Sometimes walking across a stage takes great gumption. Not because the act of ambulation is challenging (though wearing layers and layers of velvet is a bit inhibiting). The challenge comes in the difficulty of expecting one jaunt across a stage to summarize years of work. We whittle down an entire degree to ten seconds of…

A Comedy of Errors

A Comedy of Errors

William Shakespeare penned the story of my life long ago. It is called “A Comedy of Errors” and although I don’t have a twin, a shipwreck, or a neck ruffle, this play’s title perfectly describes my experience! My life is a series of challenges, or unfortunate events, or obstacles to climb over, or disconnected items…

Paging Dr. Kelly

Paging Dr. Kelly

I’m finished. And without sounding blasphemous, it is finished! My doctoral project was revised (ad nauseum), finally accepted, is now awaiting publication! I am now Dr. Kelly! I wish I could tell you that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Or that I felt totally competent and ready to take on the world.…

Ocean Object Lessons

Life. It is a crazy, wild ride at times. I feel as though I am just starting adventures on multiple fronts and have had moments of panic lately feeling unready for the road ahead. But I’m sure I’m alone in this feeling. No one else feels unready, unsure, unorganized, or undone by life’s little adventures.…

Florida Snow

It has snowed in Florida… once in my lifetime. I remember the wide-eyed glee looking out our window and seeing this strange precipitation that I’d only heard about before. It was 1989 and I had an ice fight with my dad in the front yard since none of the snow stuck. I’m pretty sure we thew more…


Asymptote. Logarithm. Derivative. I have not seriously interacted with such words in over a decade. And yet here I sit, in my brother’s undergraduate Calculus class, listening to a lecture filled with mathematical jargon. I watch as the professor — displaying an infinity necklace and a love of numbers — goes over the quiz, engages with questions,…