Ubiquitous Work

Everywhere I look, work has been done. Every chair set up for a conference. Every clean floor. Every nicely folded shirt. Every customer service question answered. Every meal cooked. Even tasks completed by machine were designed, coded, and constructed by someone. I marvel, thinking, “For everything I see done, someone had to do that.” I…

Parsing Struggles

When discussing sin and struggles, the tense of the verb matters. I’ve heard loads of testimonies over the years and it seems that most people speak about their struggles in the past tense. They say things like, “When I first became a Christian, I struggled with/was addicted to/ was beset with _______.” We, as the…


FOMO is an epidemic. I am a FOMO sufferer… and you might be too. I will fight FOMO. FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. It’s the anticipatory angst I have when invited to two events the same night and I have to choose. It’s the feeling of sinking I have when I know fun…

Living in the Mess

Life is messy. I learned that in new ways as my house was re-carpeted last week. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like being unable to get to my dresser or shoes or underwear drawer because they were in my shower, behind seven layers of other stuff. I didn’t like how much time it took…

Running and Asceticism

I’ve never experience the runner’s high, endorphine-flooded, goofy-this-feels-like-walking-only-faster-I-could-run-forever state of being. I feel every foot-pouding step, every muscle contraction, every oxygen-drenched breath when I run. I run for two reasons: 1. The sense of accomplishment is addicting. 2. To tell myself, “no.” When I completed my first 5K, I was totally pumped. Not by runner’s…

Loving My Limits

 Loving my limits  By Leigh McLeroy (c) 2013   I don’t want a super-sized Diet Dr. Pepper. A medium, heavy on the ice, is fine–thank you. And I don’t covet more space than the 1,400 square feet I happily came to call my own last April. (Actually, there are still days when I think it…

Money, Money, Money

Money. Dollars. Savings. Retirement. Spending. Investments. They’ve been on my mind a lot lately. Tonight is the last session of my financial class. Over the past several months, I’ve been challenged about my views on money and have learned how to be a better steward through this class. I’ve had budgeting homework every week. I’ve…

Multitasking and God

I’m still thinking about the quote, “You can multitask things, but you can’t multitask people.” Not only am I guilty of multitasking people, I’m guilty of trying to multitask God. I have to sit to do my devotionals, or read my Bible with a pad of Post-Its next to me so I can jot down…